Anyone at any age can have a stroke. Understanding the symptoms and what can cause stroke will probably lower your risk for stroke. In this blog, you will find the main causes of stroke or brain attack. Read out the blog till the end to know if you are at risk of stroke and what steps can help you to prevent it.
Before we discuss the causes of stroke, let’s know what stroke is and how does it occur.
What Is Stroke?
A stroke, also called a brain attack, is an emergency that occurs when the blood flow to a part of your brain stops. This happens due to a blockage in the blood vessel or a ruptured blood vessel. When your brain does not find oxygen in the blood, it starts dying within a minute. This leads to stroke which can cause disability or sudden death.
To prevent stroke it’s important to understand the causes and the things that can increase your risk for stroke. Stroke can affect your ability to speak, eat, think, behave, and other body functions. Hence, it’s really important to understand what things can cause a stroke. Let’s know your risk for stroke or brain attack.
The Types
A stroke occurs when blood flow is stopped or internal bleeding has occurred. There are two types of stroke – ischemic and hemorrhagic.
Ischemic Stroke – it is the most common type of stroke that occurs when the major blood vessel is blocked due to any blood clot. Or the vessel may be blocked due to any buildup of fatty deposits or cholesterol.
Hemorrhagic Stroke – this stroke occurs when a blood vessel in your brain bursts. The blood spills into nearby tissues. And this condition causes more irritation.
What Causes Stroke?
Stroke can happen to anyone at any age. But, there are certain risk factors that increase the chances of stroke. Some factors can be changed or managed, but there are some that cannot be changed. We will discuss them both.
Conditions that can cause stroke and can be changed or managed
Some health conditions cause stroke but they can be managed. Work closely with your healthcare professionals to control your risk.
· High blood pressure
High blood pressure, when ranges 140/90 or more, can damage your blood vessels or arteries. This is a leading cause of stroke. But, the best thing is that you can control it. Get your pressure checked often. Try to lower your blood pressure with a good and healthy lifestyle. This will also lower the risk of stroke.
· Heart disease
Heart disease is the second major risk factor for stroke. Some heart diseases build up plaque in the arteries that block the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the brain.
· Diabetes
Diabetes causes sugar to build up in your body which blocks the blood flow and nutrients in the body parts and brain as well. If you have diabetes then you are at risk of stroke. However, if you will control your sugar then you can control the risk factor of stroke as well.
· Smoking
If you are a chain smoker then you are at high risk for stroke. It doubles the risk of ischemic stroke.
· Obesity
Being overweight or obese increases your risk of stroke or brain attack. Obesity is excess body fat. And this can be a risk factor for stroke because this causes diabetes and hypertension.
· High cholesterol
Our liver makes enough cholesterol for our body. However, we consume more fat from food which is not good for our body. If we intake more cholesterol than our body needs, then it will be collected in the arteries including the arteries of your brain. And this will lead to stroke.
The Risk Factors of Stroke That Can’t Be Changed
· Age
The older you are the more likely you are going to have a stroke. However, some people younger than 65 years of age also have strokes. Well, the chances of strokes get higher every decade after the age of 55 years.
· Family history
Family history is best to understand your health risk and prevent health problems. If your family has a history of strokes then you are at risk of stroke too. You can meet your healthcare team to work on your diet and lifestyle to prevent stroke risk.
· Previous stroke
If you have already had a stroke in life then there is a higher chance of getting a stroke again.
· Gender
Stroke in women is more common than stroke in men. Also, women die due to stroke more than men. Pregnancy and birth control pills are the major risk factors for stroke in women.
After this, let’s see the common symptoms of stroke.
Symptoms of Stroke
Although it’s an emergency situation. It can occur at any time and needs quick action. If you will aware of the symptoms then you can take quick actions to get emergency medical help.
Although stroke symptoms may vary from person to person, here are the most common symptoms: –
- Weakness or numbness of the face, arms, legs, or on one side of the body.
- Problem with vision
- Dizziness
- Severe headache all of a sudden and often
- Unable to walk or move
- Fainting or seizure
How is Stroke Diagnosed?
Your physician will diagnose it with some tests which may include a CT scan of the brain, MRI, MRA, and CTI. These tests also help you diagnose other heart problems that may lead to stroke.
If you have any symptoms of stroke as mentioned above, then you should immediately consult your doctor or healthcare team. Do not ignore the symptoms even if they don’t last for long.