The vascular system is known as the circulatory system. It is a network of blood vessels, veins, arteries, and capillaries. Your heart pumps blood and your arteries take the oxygen and blood to all the organs in the body. And, the veins bring the blood back to the heart. The thing that connects arteries with veins is known as capillaries.
Whether you need to see a vascular specialist or not depends on how well your circulatory system performs and how healthy it is. If you have a healthy vascular system then you don’t need to see a doctor. However, how would you know that your circulatory system is healthy?
In this blog, we will discuss the signs that tell you need to see a vascular specialist.
When to See a Vascular Specialist
You might have not noticed how healthy your vascular system is. But, you must think about it because healthy blood vessels play an important role in your overall well-being. After all, their job is to supply blood to every organ of the body so that they can function well.
If you are facing any of the following problems then you may need to see a vascular specialist.
1) Leg pain while walking
Even when you take a brief or short walk, your leg starts paining. And it only gets relieved when you stop or take a rest. This may point to peripheral arterial disease that troubles numerous people all over India. If you are also troubled with this, it means your legs are not getting enough blood supply, especially at times of walking. And, if your legs pain even while resting then it could be a sign of ulcers and advanced PAD.
According to the famous vascular surgeon in Delhi, Dr.Digvijay Sharma, you should immediately need to see a vascular specialist. They can diagnose the actual problems and ensure blood reaches your leg in the normal range. The test for this may include ultrasound and checking the blood pressure in your legs.
2) Legs are swollen
One of the most common early signs of varicose veins is swelling of the leg. This happens when the blood is not pumped effectively back to the heart from the legs because the valves in the leg veins malfunction and open. This causes swelling in your legs because the blood pools and pressures increase in your legs.
The problem of swollen legs becomes worse if you
- Sit or stand for a long period
- Are menstruating
This is a symptom that will only worsen with time. Hence, it’s really important to seek medical help as soon as possible. This is the only guaranteed way to find long-term relief.
3) Severe abdominal and back pain
An aneurysm is a type of condition in which the walls of an artery become weak or balloon outwards. Sudden and severe abdominal pain can be a sign of an aneurysm. The most common type of aneurysm is aortic aneurysm which occurs over the age of 65. Usually, it doesn’t have noticeable symptoms and gets noticed mostly during an X-ray, MRI, CTA, or CT scan. But you may feel a sudden and severe pain in your abdomen. And if you feel so then immediately consult a doctor.
4) Blurred vision, tingling, numbness, and weakness
The best vascular surgeon Dr. Digvijay Sharma says that these symptoms can be caused by storke. And this is a medical emergency. You must not overlook these symptoms and immediately seek medical care. However, there are two types of strokes: ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke. A stroke can cause brain tissues to die and may lead to permanent disability or even death.
If you have any of the mentioned problems or health issues then you need to see a vascular specialist. Your doctor will then prescribe the right medication, treatment, or even surgery to improve your overall health.
Preventing Vascular Problems
If you want to know about the things that you can do to prevent vascular problems then you can do the following things:
- Quit smoking
- Manage high blood pressure
- Manage cholesterol
- Exercise
- Control diabetes
If you or any of your loved ones are experiencing vascular symptoms then you should immediately find a vascular specialist in Delhi to get the right treatment.
Prepare for Your First Appointment with a Vascular Specialist
Before visiting a vascular specialist, you will have to prepare yourself. You will have to make a list of the things you are going to share with your doctor and keep your reports ready. This helps your doctor to diagnose the problem more easily. Prepare yourself for your first appointment with your vascular specialist or vein specialist. Make sure to wear a comfortable dress on the day of the appointment as your doctor is going to check your legs and feet. Also, do not put any lotion on your legs.
If you are already in the search for the best vascular surgeon or specialist near you, then contact Dr. (professor) Digivijay Sharma.