Feedback referred by Dr. Vikas Jain
Pt. feedback was referred by Dr. Vikas Jain INDORE - case of Critical Rt UPPERLIMB ISCHAEMIA.
DOB: 02/09/1983
In 2008 I was worked at Zimbabwe Staff College as an IT Engineer. One of the weekends 10 computers were stolen from one of the students computer laboratory and when we reported for work on a Monday morning I was surprised to be told that I am one of the suspected thieves who came and stole the computers. I was apprehended, arrested and taken for some interrogations then suffered some internal injuries from the head down to the legs through torturing. The torture I received was severe to the extent that it included the use of electricity, Candles, bricks, water, sjambok and a grass slasher tool. Some details of torture methods which I experienced they used to call includes the likes of Scale position, Airplane position, motorcycle position and many others which they used to demonstrate then I follow what they have demonstrated during my period under interrogations. I experienced also some beatings on the chest until i vomited blood. The other methods include seating down while standing, after sitting i was then told to stand up and repeat the process a hundred times until my leg thigh muscles are weak. I had to stay in painful stress positions with arms extended until i collapsed out of exhaustion since i was not eating or given any food. The candle was called the shaving stick were the torture include the burning of my hairy on my legs up to the scrotum. The candle would be lit and told to remove your trousers and pant and moved slowly from my feet via the legs up to the scrotum the heat causing severe pain. During this period I was now exhausted due to severe pain and I decided to tell them that I know where the computers are as I wanted to be relived, I then told them and said lets go to a place called Chivhu about 300km south-east from the capital city of Zimbabwe, Harare. We drove in a blue double cab and drove for about 45 minutes then decided to tell them the truth that were we are going there is nothing, I just wanted to get rest. That is the moment more pressure was exerted on me upon our return.
After the torture period I was taken back to my workplace. I was no longer able to walk or stand as all my feet and legs were now useless and in pain. I was handed over to my boss. As I was still in deep pain and some blood still coming inside my mouth i then requested immediate help to be taken to the nearest hospital where I was finally admitted for almost 1 month. I was no longer able to sit properly or walk not more than 1 meter so I ended up using a wheel chair to move from point a to b with assistance. During my period with this sickness the doctor used to treat me sensitivity as I was nolonger able to feel anything, also I was experiencing not severe pain but extreme pain on my legs. The doctor then suggested me to be given Diclofenac injection 3-4 times a day since the pain was severe. I continued with those injections for almost a month then I got discharged and went on to stay at home for almost 5 months. After I got discharged my both legs started swelling. I was then told by my doctor after I went for a review that it was water inside my legs that is causing swelling and I was prescribed those small white tablets called prednisolone. I continued taking that drug up until another problem developed of Bisters on my lower left limb. These blisters then started developing into wounds and later became septic wounds. Dressing was prescribed on me and since 2009 I lived with pain everyday, walking was a bit tough for me. Around 2010 I was then when I was taking my morning bath one of the leg veins busted. I then just covered the area with a bandage. I went on to see Dr Chigumira and he then reffered me to go and see Dr I Dube a specialist surgeon. This doctor then said to me the only option I can do is to do stripping but that can only be done when your wounds get healed. So I continued with betadine dressings everyday. On 19 October my veins continued bleeding and I was reffered to another hospital called Parirenyatwa Hospital in Harare, Zimbabwe where they managed the bleeding to stop. The wounds got increased in size up until the size of the wound was about 5-6cm. In 2016 I then decided to go to another Medical institute called PSMAS in Harare. The first doctor who saw me diagnosed sepsis wounds and reffered me to Dr Karidza. Dr Karidza suggested that the blood is not moving properly inside your leg veins and the only option we have in Zimbabwe is vein stripping of which we cannot do the vein stripping when you have septic wounds because if stripping is done the septic ulcer won’t heal forever, and that will lead to your leg being amputated. So the method he suggested of Endo Venous Laser Therapy was not available in Zimbabwe. PSMAS Zimbabwe then organised the paperwork for me to go for foreign treatment to India. It was in 2017 where I had big septic ulcers when I started coming to Jaypee Hospital and the first surgery. In 2018 I returned back to Jaypee as they were now 2 smaller septic ulcers. The doctor then insisted that the period you are coming for the treatment is too little for me to fully attend to your veins. He then tried all his best to attend to my leg veins during that short specified period of time. I returned back and there was now greater improvement but still a small opening started producing pass through the leg which the doctor insisted I should come back for another check-up. When I came on 7 February 2020, the first thing the doctors did was the Doppler and they did only 3 sessions of the EVLT laser and they confirmed that the blood in the legs is now okay and moving. He then requested for a full body scan. The scan which he then said your upper body is severely damaged inside. There was some internal bleeding which occurred before inside my chest area and the blood clotting caused some venous blockages in the heart area. So he suggested that I need about 6 stents which were life costly to be inserted and he also said such facility to do a surgery for stents is not possible at Jaypee since they had no Vascular Surgeons during that time. I was then referred to Max Hospital where I can get such facilities.
Before I went to Max Hospital I decided to do an online research on who is the best vascular surgeon in India and the most recommended doctor by many people was Professor Doctor Digvijay Sharma who was said to be also based at Max Hospital Pitampura in New Delhi. I noted his name down and searched again the best vascular surgeon in New Delhi and it happened to be the same person again Prof Doctor Digvijay Sharma. I then decided to call Max Hospital and requested to make an appointment with the doctor.
I then went to Max Hospital and met with Prof Dr. Digvijay Sharma. His approach to me was excellent in a manner that I was always satisfied with the care the doctor provided. He made a thorough examination of my scan results both on the X-Ray films and the CD and explained to me in a manner where by it was more professional with some aided diagrams of where the stents are to be put. He outlined that there is no blood supply from the heart area because of some damages that occurred and affected some blood vessels therefore only 3 stents are needed through a one day surgery. I was given a date for the surgery and got admitted at Max Hospital on 4 April 2020. I was received by the International Department staff at Max Hospital in a caring and friendly manner until i got admitted. The doctors and nurses were reliable, respected, caring and friendly before, during and after the surgery of my problems.
Now i thank the doctor for his patience, professionalism, hard work, and commitment to excellent medical care. The medications you prescribed to me were helpful, and I’m seeing great improvement in my physical and emotional stability. You are such an amazing doctor. The best Vascular Surgeon in India. Thank you so much for positively impacting my life in so many ways.
Tapiwa Takudzwa Hwandih