Currently, we observe the increase in life expectancy of the Indian population. As a result of technological advances, globalisation of health knowledge, changes in lifestyle and, recently, artificial intelligence applied to the hospital network, healthy population ageing represents an achievement for our patients.

It is gratifying to carry out the medical follow-up of an elderly person who demonstrates to each consultation the value that he or she attaches to his or her health through the adoption of adequate eating habits, the maintenance of regular physical activities and intellectual exercise based on good readings. Healthy mind and body rule out any disease.

Amid this panorama of healthy living, it is misleading to those who consider it unnecessary to maintain regular medical control, especially with the Vascular Surgeon. Since we dedicate our professional work to the well-being of the circulatory system, it is our duty to warn patients that the circulatory system suffers the inexorable effect of time and ageing represents a breeding ground for the impairment of arteries and veins.

As an aggravating factor, most diseases that perpetuate the blood vessels are silent, that is, they do not manifest symptoms as soon as the pathological process begins. Thus, the only way to prevent the evolution of the disease and the development of serious complications and clinical sequelae is to tightly control the circulatory system. From then on, the Vascular Surgeon takes on the role of protagonist and can perform his function for the benefit of his patient. Therefore the Vascular CHECK-UP is essential in the prevention of some circulatory diseases.

With the aid of Doppler ultrasound, the Vascular Surgeon can thoroughly analyse the entire venous system and the arterial system of the human body. The diagnosis of arterial obstructions, atheromatous plaque deposits, aneurysmal dilatations of the arterial wall and venous insufficiencies can be adequately performed with Doppler ultrasound, which is characterized by not harming the patient with the undesirable effects of the use of contrasts and radiation.

Symptoms such as leg pain while walking, we know as intermittent claudication, paraesthesia and hypothermia should be valued as they represent early manifestations of circulatory system disease. Clinical evaluation is the first step to diagnosis and treatment success. In your priority list, include consultation with the Vascular Surgeon. These professionals have a lot to contribute to your health and healthy ageing.

Professor Digvijay Sharma

Professorial Clinics in Vascular Endovascular Surgery

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